'' Auch die Chefetagen von Fox int. und Korda setzten auf das RT4 Baitboat mit Raymarine Autopilot und 3D Mapping ''
Danny Fairbrass - Ali Hamidi - Darrell Peck - Shaun McSpadden
Fox int. Manager Shaun McSpadden: “Very impressed by the professional production and the customer care, that’s where they are already known for.”
Korda’ Darrell Peck: “fully loaded with raymarine echo and autopilot – top bit of tech!
Korda’ Ali Hamidi: “The RT4- There is nothing better on the Planet – it really is! #germanengineering!”
Korda’ Danny Fairbrass: “the detailed mapping of lakes beds and marking of spots is incredible. What a bit of kit these products are!
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