RT4 owner groups on Facebook: The basic idea for a "self-helping group" in handling the RT4 baitboats and an exchange about everything that has to do with our products. This page was created by a English angler and good friend "Heapy Bob" on Facebook. Within a short time, the number of members in the UK group increased so rapidly that questions regarding our products were answered before we could give a reply,.
The User group idea was extended with the Dutch group "Carplounge RT4 Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep", Now our Dutch customers also have a contact point to share ideas, ask questions or answering questions about our RT4 baitboats.
The German format of the RT4 user group is already in the starting blocks and will be able to offer a further level of service in the near future. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the users of these groups, who are always there for our customers to help and advice within the forum community!
[EN] The Only Official Carp Lounge RT4 UK Owners Group
[DE] Offizielle Carplounge RT4 Benutzergruppe
[NL/BE] Carplounge RT4 Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep
[FR] Groupe officiel Carplounge des utilisateurs francophones du RT4

Due to the steadily increasing number of orders, we have extended our service for you.
Within the last couple of years our production has nearly doubled every year. This year we celebrated our ten-year anniversary and within those ten years we have built more than 9000 bait boats following individual orders and shipped them worldwide! Currently our technicians produce around 250-280 RT4 per month.
During the last couple of years especially at busy times like during the holiday season, it happened that the handling time for the service was quite long since the service department consisted of only two employees until early this year.
It is very important to us to offer first class service besides first class products. Thus, we extended our service department this year using some of our most experienced technicians and trained model making experts so that it consists of 7(!) full time employees now.
Our service department mainly works on retrofits for customer boats. Ever month they retrofit for example 60-80 RT4 boats with the autopilot system and retrospectively put in bait spirals for 100-120 customer RT4 boats.
Besides the upgrades, our service employees also make sure to provide fast help concerning questions, malfunctions or defect if they should arise

Should your Carplounge product have a defect and we are not able to help you via phone, we organise a free of charge, Europe wide pick-up of the package at our customer’s preferred address during the time of the warranty.
This pick-up service can be booked at an inexpensive price even after the warranty expired.

Our new, highly modern service EDP-system has been supporting our employees on their quest for an even more efficient handling of all products sent in for service.
Thanks to this optimization and the additional employees we have already been able to reduce our average handling time from 30 workdays to now 20 workdays.
We will reach our own target of 7-14 handling workdays within the next couple of weeks because we want to stand out against our competitors here as well!
As with the new boat production, individual tasks will be handled by specialists with many years of experience and the boats will be test-driven intensively on the lake afterwards.
During the season, processing times may vary depending on the order situation.

In general, all our boats are tested extensively on the lake before shipping it to our customers. Following a 80 points inspection plan, we test all functions on our test track on our test lake.
You would like to see our products live?We’re happy to show you our in-house production and take you to see a test-drive on the lake.
If you have ordered a boat, we gladly offer you a free of charge briefing at the lake. Our technicians will then explain all your boat’s functions to you in detail.
Tu veux toujours être à la pointe des nouveaux produits, des deals et des actions ? Chez nous, tu obtiens exactement ce qui t'intéresse ! Adaptable à tout moment et naturellement conforme à la protection des données
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'' C'était étonnant de voir à quel point il était rapide de maîtriser les commandes mais... [mehr]
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Le même soir, nous avons reçu un appel enthousiaste de Samir : ''J'ai déjà obtenu quelques... [mehr]
'' Mon RT4 ne peut pas être cassé, peu importe si c'est dans la rivière, dans le canal ou sur... [mehr]