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FrankWarwick & Simon McCabe about the RT4 Baitboat
Our Friend Simon McCabe is known for his quality videos. Into his latest Video "Sensei - A master of carp fishing" he talks with #FrankWarwick about the #RT4 #baitboat.
Even when you are one of the worlds best longrange casters, a baitboat could sometimes be an advantage :)
| the Full Episode "Sensei - A master of carp fishing" and Simons new VLOG "Golden - Autumn Carp Fishing" with awesome RT4 shoots:
''No question – a Baitboat has its advantages: The exact placement of rigs and bait in hard-to-reach areas, at night or over long distances makes fishing more effective ''
Alan Blair
'' It was amazing how quick it was to master the controls ''
Frank Warwick
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Carp lounge RT4 Frank Warwick
'' It was amazing how quick it was to master the controls but getting used to the speed of this boat was a bit harder at first as the speed and the controls had a much faster response compared to the previous boat I used to use. ''
Frank Warwick - Legend
I am, as I say a highly proficient long range caster but on some occasions despite my love of casting the fish are showing beyond my limits and can be ever so frustrating so the RT4 solves that in an instant, let’s face it if the choice comes down to falling short casting and blanking or whipping the boat out and catching what are you going to choose?
It’s simply having an extra tool in the box, at one time in my life I wouldn’t use a bait boat but would happily use an inflatable to drop rigs at monster un castable distances on big Euro venues then it struck me years later what was I thinking after all the bait boat avoided humping a heavy inflatable about not to mention engine, heavy leisure batteries etc when the radio controlled boat could do the same job in many of the situations without all the hassle.
I have a stunning syndicate lake about t hours’ drive from my home where both rowing boats and radio controlled boats are allowed. Anyhow I decided to do a 48 hour trip to the syndicate, and I took my friend as a guest, because he was fishing the lake for the first time I let him have first choice of swim he chose the swim I would have chosen so I settled on my second choice, my friend chose to cast and use a throwing stick to bait up he was fishing as close as he dare to the Lilly pads and over hanging snag trees, I decided I would try my new RT4 and having watched the videos on YouTube and studied the booklets, I was mastering the controls after a bit of practice. It was amazing how quick it was to master the controls but getting used to the speed of this boat was a bit harder at first as the speed and the controls had a much faster response compared to the previous boat I used to use.
I was using a mix of small free offerings, chopped boilies, hemp, corn, and 2 and 4 ml pellets that were heavily glugged in soluble fish protein liquids, I knew the syndicate fish wouldn’t tolerate a lot of noise from a spomb and they avoided open water feeding a lot of the time so I sent the boat tight to the pads in my swim and silently dropped my rigs and freebies, tight and I mean real tight (you would think the fish would learn and avoid the edge of the pads where they usually get caught but the still fall for it)! I had in the next 48 hours, 7 runs and landed 6 carp, one of which was luckily the lakes biggest common that had disappeared for 2 years since my previous capture of it! Sadly my friend blanked, as like me in the past he was a bit ant baitboat. We went again to the same lake a few weeks later but swapped swims, I caught 3 carp and once again my mate Russ blanked! I think it must have mentally struck him how silent and efficient the boat really can be so now Russ is saving up for yes, you’ve guessed it an RT4!!
Tight lines my friends
'' …The big question… as a well known long distance accurate caster… why you moving over to a baitboat? ''
Frank Warwick
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Frank Warwick & Baitboat? Interview mit Gerry Heaps
Longrange spezialist Frank hat sein RT4 Futterboot auf der BigOne 2019 abgeholt und berichtet uns im Interview, warum er sich für das RT4 entschieden hat:
” …the big Question… as a well known long distance accurate caster… why you moving over to a Baitboat?”
Interview with Gerry Heaps and Frank Warwick
'' Even when you are one of the worlds best longrange casters, a baitboat could sometimes be an advantage ''
Frank Warwick
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'' It was amazing how quick it was to master the controls but getting used to the speed of this... [more]
‘’ It’s a new lake, you can learn a lot by driving around with the baitboat by using the... [more]
The same evening we got a enthusiastic call from Samir: ‘’I already got some nice carps and I’m... [more]
'' The heads of Fox int. and Korda Developments: // in action with their RT4 Raymarine Autopilot... [more]